Friday, January 26, 2007

SINGLE GAY MEN WHO ARE OVER IT! » Call it attitude or insecurity or Moronic or Normal

I moved to Boston in 2003. Living in a big city was always my dream, but again I had too many hopes for Boston. The dating scene in Boston is kinda lame. Same 10 guys in different dating sites, different "I am soooo good.. I am looking for Mr. Right", what they forgot is "I am soooo good and horny and I am looking for Mr. Right now". Just couple of words here and there, that makes the whole lot of difference.. doesn't it? Some of them should realize the meaning of what slim/slender/athletic means... Especially humping in bed doesn't make you athletic and melt all those extra pounds from Cheese cake away.

Where was I? Oh yes, seem them in gay scene (few bars and clubs, too few, small for a big city life), they are all well dressed, groomed and look very friends. I warn you, don't say hello, they may look at you as if you are from a different planet. (May be they think I am from a different planet, it's a different story.. I am not going there for now). And you are there with a friend or two and pretending to be having a very deep intellectual conversation, you will sense that someone is staring at you. You turn to that direction and if you are quick enough you may catch the head of the cat turning back... Even if you make an eye contact, they will be so quick to look else where and make you feel you are a piece of ****..

The most intriguing conversation anyone may have with a stranger in the settings is "Excuse me.. " if they are considerate enough after spilling drink or squeezing between you and your friend to move to another area.

You see the same guys in person in pubic right.. most of them must have aged overnight by 5 - 10 years. What is wrong? and all the freaking attitude they have... I am so privileged and I am so beautiful? who cares.... ignore them..

Suddenly some old guy will be standing besides you.. accidentally their body will brush against your and/or they may even be kind enough to hold a conversation with you. The same deep intellectual conversation.. it goes like this

1. Stranger: Where are you from?
Me: Er.. Boston...
Stranger: Where are you really from?
Me: ..................

2. Stranger: Are you a student?

3. Stranger: Are you a Professional?

4. Stranger: Are you single?

5. Stranger: I once knew a Indian guy. He used to be a cashier at the corner store....

6. Stranger: Can I have your number please? Meet for coffee..
Me: Er.. I am sorry.. I don't drink coffee.. I quit 5 mins ago and I am so broke.. don't have a phone..

Well, you go home wondering what the hell is wrong with you people( including yourself).. and browse the Internet for few more hours.. (He he.. ). As usual emails from Dimitry the 25 old lover from Russia looking for overseas love.. or some guy from some part of the world looking for a husband.. (Where is my sugar daddy.. get me my private jet)..

And go to the usual hookup sites.. there they are.. all of them.. Much younger, with pretty pictures and pretty angles and pretty profiles.. Your Doctors, tax man, physical trainers, friends, councilors, professors, bartenders, dancers... there they are.. they all proclaim that they are the studs and world best lovers next to Romeo and they are all looking Mr. Right now.. What do you do.. do the obvious and the search goes on..

Back to the corner and it goes again..

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