Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Standup for yours and others rights..

May 21 2008, Cambridge , MA 7pm

Today, I was standing with a poster in hand in Cambridge Central square. Carol, Alpana, Brian and many more community members where there with me hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder. Our aim was to create awareness about the plight of 550 Indian trafficked workers and ensuing hunger strike by some of the workers.

We are from different organizations, genders, sexual orientations, different races, we hailed from different corners of the world. But we stood united to give a voice to this modern slavery. In the age of Paris Hilton getting much of our prime time TV exposure and the rest going for the presidential coverage, we want to give a voice to this issue and get some much needed attention to the underlying problem.

The more I talked about it to complete strangers, the more powerful was the urge to do more for the plight of this helpless workers. These workers and their families and friends have sacrificed a lot for chasing a dream. A simple dream of having a better life and A simple dream of providing to their families. A simple dream of getting their brothers and sisters married off , in some cases their sons and daughters. I am sure some dreams were about building a house which they can call theirs for rest of their life. Or perhaps it could be as simple as putting food on their families table. But little did they know that they are duped into modern slavery and they will be virtual prisoners and end up with $20,000 in debt.

Little did they know that they will be packed like sardines in small trailers and will be charged $1000 per month for that filthy inhumane conditions. Little did they know that they are the only group of employees who are forced to live in that condition and not free to live elsewhere. Little did they know their passports and visa papers will be confiscated by their employer.

* In the aftermath of Katrina, Gult Coast employers lock African Amercian workers out and conspire with recruiters to find exploitable foreign workers to lock in.
* In late 2006, over 500 Indian workers mortgage their futures for an American dream by selling their homes, family farms and wives jewelry to raise $20,000 apiece for false promises of green cards and permanent residency from US and Indian recruiters.
* Instead they receive ten-month H2B guest worker visas and arrive to an American nightmare at Signal International worksites in Mississippi and Texas. They forced to live in company "man-camps" 24 men to a trailer, for which $1,050 a month is deducted from their salaries. Workers are trapper by ocean of debt at home and constand threats of deportation from the company when they ask for improvements.
*March, 9 2007, After workers begin to organize at the Pascagoula, MS shipyard, Signal stages a pre-dawn raid by armed guards who hold three of the workers in a locked room, saying they will be deported the next day. In desperation, worker and organizer Sabulal Vijayan slits his wrist in a suicide attemp, prompting hundres of workers to striker. Signal releases the organizers but fires them. The company thinks its problem are over, but workers continue to organize.

I applaud their courage to escape the modern day prison and break the chains of modern day slavery. They did not stand up for themselves but for the thousands of other trafficked workers in this country. We may not know their names, we may not know their stories, we may not know their dreams, we may not know their aspirations, but all we know is that they are human beings, and they are part of this society. They are here legally to chase a dream and still they fall thru the cracks. Their dreams and aspirations are shattered. Suddenly their dreams turned to a nightmare.

Does the system help them to get over this? No, it’s too slow to react. Does the new channels shed light on their plight, not its too busy covering Paris Hiltons and Lindsay logans. The younger generation is busy in American IDOL episodes or Reality TV. Where is the outrage, where is the collective shame? Where is our voice? Are we lost or did we gave up hope because of the recent wars? Or did we lost the ability to be compassionate to our fellow human beings? Or did we buy in to the Anti Immigrant right wing? Or we don’t care because their skin color is Brown?Lets prove this wrong, there is a lot to be done and too little time. Let’s not let anyone who is responsible go unpunished.

Lets standup for our rights and others. If you standup you can see the world better and you can see far and clear. This is the basis necessity, lets standup.

Please contact SAALT AT 301-270-1855 or

Sunday, May 18, 2008

காதல் என்றாய்

காதல் என்றாய்
இதய கதவை திறந்தேன்
காதலா என்றாய்
கனிந்து உருகி போனேன்
வாழ்வே நீ என்றாய்
வசந்தத்தை கண்டேன்
காதல் கசந்ததேன்
வசந்தம் தொலைந்ததேன்
இருயிர் ஓருயிர் என்றாய்
ஓருயிர் இருயிர் ஆனதேன்

Its hard to be a vegetarian

It was a fabulous Saturday. The day started off early, it’s not a usual beginning of a weekend, I have to leave home before 10AM for my dance class in Wayland, MA. It’s always fun to practice before the 1 1/2 or 2 hours class. Particularly yesterday was a very intense class, but it was fun. The leg pains later made me feel that the class was worth it.

Dear friend Kishor planned and coordinated a movie outing (Before the rains) one of the rare crossover Indian English movie @ Kendal square cinemas. The movie was a nice one and after the movie we planned for dinner. We hanged out at a local coffee shop before heading out for dinner as we all thought it was too early for dinner. Yes 6:30 is too early for Desi's for dinner. :)

We thought about Emma's pizza, but somehow we decided to go to Legal sea food in Kendal square. The moment it was mentioned I had some doubts about the menu. Since it specializes in Sea food, I wasn’t sure about the vegetarian option. I am sick and tired of going to fine restaurants and eat a salad or appetizer or just one entree on the menu. It’s particularly hard when everyone gobbles up some wonderful soups, appetizers and entrees and I had to be content with lettuce, spinach and dressing. Sometimes I am fortunately to get pasta and Italian vegetables.

It’s nothing wrong with going out with friends, but when you feel you are not going to have many options or going to eat the same thing for the 100th time, you are not excited. Leave alone the cost of the dining experience, the tension and stress of not finding a decent food is not right. Especially when you end up coming home and invade your fridge or pantry for food is not funny. At the end of the day, your wallet is very light, your stomach is mostly empty and you are not happy about the dining out experience.

I always have 3 options.
1. Don’t go out and avoid any restaurant situation
2. Go out with friends who are sensitive to your problem
3. Friends who are not bothered by my dietary restriction.

It’s not nice of me to impose my dietary restrictions on someone else, why do I have to curtail someone’s eating out experience? After all everyone like to go and dine in a nice restaurant and fulfill your palette, mind and stomach?

Anyway, we ended up in Legal sea foods at 7pm. It was crowded and people were hanging out everywhere waiting to be seated. We approached the host and asked for seating for 4. At that time I asked them to look at the menu and inquired whether they have any vegetarian option. One of the host or Manager guy said they have plenty of Vegetarian options and all of them are good. He went on to say that don’t worry about it and you will be taken care off. It gave some hope and the problem of finding decent vegetarian food lessened in my mind.

After waiting for 15/20 minutes we were seated and were provided with the menu. To my horror, only vegetarian option was a Thai dish with tofu and nothing more. Its painful to scroll thru the menu to find some vegetarian dish and there was none. I asked the waitress about this and she said that is the only option they have and they have none.

I was so pissed and angry at that point. We ordered our beverages and I didn’t feel like I am going to take this and sitting there and pretend that nothing happened. After all it’s my dining experiences also counts and I don’t have to sacrifice again with my friends around. I have done it many times and I have decided not to do it often. I was preparing to go back to the host station and confront the guy for his misinformation, luckily the guy who lied to us, walked by to the next table. I told my friends that I am going to ask him about it pointedly; they were like "oh gosh, here goes another drama" and busily buried themselves in the menu and pretended to be busy. But I am sure they are all very curious to see and hear how it goes.

When he was going back to the host station, I interrupted him politely and inquired whether there is something wrong with the menu. And I asked him that I didn’t see anything else other than one Vegetarian dish. He got tensed and defensive; I could see that in his eyes and his body language. He went ahead and pointed me to the 5 salads and said that there is always the salad option. What a crap.. I told him a salad doesn’t make a meal or a entree and it’s not fine. I told him that he should have been more honest about the option when we inquired in the first place. That fucking bastard just shrugged his shoulders and walked away, making a gesture as if it’s not a big deal for him.
At that point, I didn’t have any other option but to walk out of the restaurant. I told my friends that I don’t want to eat there and I cannot feel comfortable eating there any longer. After that, that restaurant didn’t deserve my money and not a penny of my hard earned money.
They all walked out with me and it made me real proud. I am happy to be surrounded by some understanding and thoughtful friends. After all, you have to care about others as well. Otherwise you can’t be friends with anyone who doesn’t care about you; definitely I care about my friends and their needs. It’s part of life and that’s who I am and I won’t change.

Later we ended up in Cambridge brewery (Our first choice :)) and had a fabulous time. Ended up eating a Vegetarian Pizza and it was good. At the end of the evening, everyone had a great time and much better than dinning in "Legal sea foods".

I came home happy, content and I didn’t have to invade my fridge for an empty stomach. Till the next eating out disaster, I had enough for one day to last for few months.